Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Glasshouses verge re-visited: 14-09-2021


More Meadow Mowing Moments

There was more than one man (or woman) mowing this week. Eleven NCVs were returning to try to complete the cutting of the Glasshouses verge in order to improve its biodiversity. The pictures below allow you to wonder at their mowing skills - particularly impressive given some very soggy conditions!

Here's the state of the verge at start of play.

At least three men definitely went to mow the meadow.
Any more?

Oh yes - here are two more.

And here's another honing his equipment.

NCV A                                               NCV B
These two had a competition to see who 
could carry the most grass.
Possibly NCV A?

Slowly but surely the mowers mowed their way along that verge.

The rain had encouraged the snail population
 to come out and sample the tasty ribwort.
(Mmmm - ribwort. Yummy!)

It is doubtful that this spider's web survived the cut.

The team discussed tactics at lunchtime.

As they did so the benches glistened in the wet conditions.
Ruth, sensibly, chose to remain standing - no wet rear for that 
young lady!

Rain stopped play with about another half hour's work left to do.
Pretty impressive job under the circumstances though!

And here's the remaining swathe.
Hopefully it will have dried out by the next visit.

Well - Tom certainly looks pleased with the effort.
Or maybe he has just found out he has won a lottery?
Or been placed first in the meadow mowing championship?

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