Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Glasshouses verge - the final push: 21-09-2021

If you asked the NCVs what they thought of their task this week they would probably have answered "Oh, it was so-so". Or did they mean "sew-sew"? Or even "sow-sow"? Check out the pictures below to see .....

Well - there was no sign of any sewing machines waiting 
with the tools so perhaps not "sew-sew".

Man at work.
He's certainly not using a needle and thread.

Smiley woman at work too.

Of course - the scything of the verge at Glasshouses did need finishing off.
If you remember - rain (and tiredness) stopped play last week.

But by coffee time that job was done.

Now we can return to the so, sew, sowing issue....

Ah. Interesting. This NCV is scarifying a marked 
out rectangle of verge.

Liz - are they garden shears or
 very large dressmaker's scissors?

These two are clearing patches of grass to expose the soil.

A sewing circle?

No - a seed sorting soiree! This basket of yellow rattle seed
 needed removing from the pods.

Gradually a good quantity of tiny seeds (4 big soup pots full) 
was released from the various boxes that had been 
donated from Tony K's wild flower meadow and another farm.

So now we know - SOWING was the main aim of the day!
 Here Ruth demonstrates a good scattering action.

All the available seed was sown in the carefully prepared 
patches in 7 areas of the verge. Not too much - not too little.

Then - along came 'Will the Fill' and 'Graham McSquirter' 
to cover the seeds with some spare soil and 
dampen them down to encourage them to grow and 
parasitize the grass to slow down its growth. 
This will help other wild flowers to flourish.

Job done it was back to the barn to dismantle the scythes 
and try to figure out how to fit all the bits in the box.

That looks about right - a challenging 3D jigsaw!

Time to get on your bike and go home.
The NCVs who cycle to work are now able to leave 
their bikes under cover in the old pizza oven structure.

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