Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Summerbridge nature reserve: 30-04-2019

It was back to Summerbridge nature reserve this week to use our new found hurdle making skills to construct small hurdles to act as path edging through Banks Wood. This woodland on the reserve is going to be proposed as a SINC site due to the amount of biodiversity within its boundaries, so it is important that anyone walking through keeps to the path and doesn't go tramping off piste, flattening all the wild flowers.

The photos below show how the team got on with the task.....

A murky start to the day.

The first task was to lubricate and tighten 
the gate hinges to allow access to the wood.

Beyond the gate the woodland was carpeted with bluebells.

Before hurdling could start the raw materials had to be 
gathered and brought to where they were needed.

Stakes had to be sharpened...

...and uprights knocked in where the hurdles were needed.

Then it was the turn of the splitters to split the poles down, ready to be woven.

Once they had the right materials the
 hurdle builders were able to get weaving. 

Hurdle queens Ros K and Liz brought their feet into play to get a good tight weave.

Nice job!!

Coffee time amidst the flowers. How nice!

There was almost no coffee time flapjack from Audrey this week - 
she had made some but was too busy feeding a baby robin to deliver it. 
Her neighbour saved the chick from a cat but the parent can’t be found. 
Audrey has fed it a woodlouse, a centipede, and a worm she cut up.
Tony did the good deed and picked up the goodies.
Let's hope no bits of worm found their way into the mix!

The hurdles went up at a rapid rate of knots until the NCVs ran out of material.

This video shows Liz demonstrating how to finish off the end of a hurdle.
It is a tough job that almost finished off her!
If this video doesn't work then try clicking HERE.

One small team did a bit of holly removal 
where it was starting to take over...

...and et voila - a woodland glade emerged!!

Once the job was complete Osian decided to have a lie down. 
Or had he been there all day??

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