Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Hackfall Woods: 16-04-2019

The NCVs were in Hackfall Woods this week for a bit of woodland maintenance. Where better to spend a day during Easter week? With emerging bluebells and other flowers decorating the slopes, everywhere was looking lovely. There were probably even some eggs hiding in various parts of the wood, albeit not chocolate ones!

Wood sorrel and toothwort in full flower. 

As usual there was a variety of things to do, so the group split up into teams and went their own separate ways. Roving photographers spotted the following.....

The Chuckle Brothers with a safety barrier.
Now - why. And who????! 

Oh - you!! Well you might look a bit sheepish.

Is this a fallen tree I see before me?

Obviously not!

David and Osian try to work out how much wood they need to make some steps.
Numbers obviously hurt their heads.

 Ros K and Sally worked upstream to clear the debris.

Excuse me ladies - you missed a bit there!

That is definitely not an easy thing to clear.

 No - but we've cleared it anyway!!

Nothing like a nice, oozy bit of mud wallowing on a spring day.

Andy put his recent hurdle making training to good use.

The split stems were used to weave this barrier to 
deter walkers from crossing the top of Alum Springs.

Talking of Alum Springs - the water flow down the rock face needed improving.
There was a definite improvement made here.

Lots of plastic bags were collected - very often left by lazy dog walkers.

¯Picnic time for NCVs.
The little NCVs are having a lovely time today.¯
Well - the jury is still out on that decision.

Everyone went home tired and filthy but secure in the knowledge that they had made a difference.

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