Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Glasshouses verge: 11-09-2018

Looking at the picture above there will be no prizes for guessing what the NCVs were doing this week.

Yes - that's right! Grimly reaping the grass and other vegetation from the wide road verge at Glasshouses. 

This is a verge that they have been managing for a few years now. Leaving its cutting until this time of year (and raking off all the grass to stop it composting down and increasing the fertility of the soil) has gradually led to an excellent increase in the verge's wild flower population.

Before any scything could be done the scythes had to be assembled.......

I think that this bit goes on this end.

And I need to get my blade set to the correct angle.

Those NCVs who have not yet been trained in the use of a scythe went ahead to cut down any encroaching scrub and trim back the hedge.......

 The hedge is a monster!

Sally was wondering just where to start.

Ros K was wondering where best to put all the resulting brash.
She fervently hoped that no-one would notice if she piled it over the fence.

Once the scythes were assembled it was off to the verge.....

At last - Here they come!

and on with the cutting......

Oh heck - that's seriously long vegetation!

Never mind - let's get started.

On and on - down the verge they went. 
Two swingers having a great time in the sun.

Alistair - can you just move that tree out of the way of the way?Thanks!
Mind you don't cut Liz in half at the same time.

Three nosy parkers keep a close eye on the scythers' technique.

By lunchtime the south end of the verge was cut. Good going for 6 scythers. (The northern end can wait until next week.)

Photographer Osian needed to shout 'Say Cheese!' more loudly. 
Only showgirl Ros K. noticed the camera and gave a smile.
Everyone else was too lost in thought or conversation.

On her return to work after lunch, showgirl Anita 
decided to do her Julie Andrews impersonation.

Lunch over, the whole team started raking the cut vegetation off to the inside edge of the verge....

Seriously large, grass sausages were created...

....and heaped against the wall.
Lots of creatures of all kinds will make use of this habitat.

Perhaps something like this? 
Anyone got any ideas what kind of caterpiller this is?

By 2pm the southern end was clear and the hedge completed. How good is that? 
The wild flowers will really benefit from this September hair cut. 

This reminds me - I must phone my hairdresser 
and book an appointment....

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