Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Fishpond Wood and Toft Gate: 19-04-2016

Today was a day when the group had to split in two once again. A group of 12 fencing stalwarts revisited Toft Gate to continue work inserting fencing posts alongside the permissive path from the kiln to the cafe. Another group of 12 went into Fishpond Wood to meet the owner, Peter Brambleby, for a day of cutting back and burning rhododendrons. This needed to be done to enable Peter to drive his quad bike right the way around the pond.  Luckily for everyone it was a sunny, dry day. Hurray!! The photos tell the tale......

At Fishpond Wood:

The lake looked gorgeous in the morning sunshine.

Whilst awaiting Peter's arrival, the NCVs made 
a start by tidying up near the bench.

Don't think that we can't see you both standing around.
Get busy. No shirking!

This was the offending clump - a complete tangle of 
branches that loomed over us.
A seemingly impossible task lay ahead.

Some NCVs attacked it from the back 
and others from the front.

The branches were dragged away...

...to make 2 piles near the lakeside.

Slowly, progress was made. The clump grew smaller....

 ...and smaller.....

..and smaller.....

...and smaller.....

....until it was all gone.

Meanwhile the brash piles grew and grew until, eventually, 
Peter returned with a fire lighting kit. 
Then the brash piles started to disappear!

Three NCVs patiently plugged away at a rhodie 
root whilst the bonfires burned.

 A group from Open Country lent a hand once they finished 
their own task elsewhere in the wood.

Burn I say. Burn. or I shall prod you with my pitchfork.

The brash burned well once the fires took hold as the hot weather ensured
 that the brash was dry. It also brought on a few cases of steamy feet for 
the unfortunate NCVs who had worn wellies!!

Yes Peter. I think that you can get your quad bike through there now.

Meanwhile - up at Toft Gate:

It was decidedly better weather up on Greenhow, 
to gather in the car park for a briefing this week!

Stones had to be shifted to allow some posts to be inserted.

Plenty of posts were waiting to be inserted into holes.

Jan demonstrates the strength of his post -
 or is he just holding it up?

Tea break at last.

Just how many NCVs does it take to peer into a hole?

Josh practises his geology and 
finds some fossilised coral.

Meanwhile Julia unearths an old bottle that used to contain 
'Owbridge's Lung Tonic made in Hull (and found in Nidderdale)'
If you want a brief history of this efficacious medicine then click HERE.

Look how many posts have been put in now.

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