Tuesday, 26 April 2016

First aid training and Toft Gate: 26-04-2016

Another day of options! Those NCVs who were trained in first aid last year were offered the chance of a half day refresher course, so 8 opted to take up this useful opportunity. 10 other NCVs and students joined James up at Toft Gate lime kiln to continue work on that fence that has been challenging us for the last few weeks. Any super keen NCVs could join the fencers after lunch and 5 did this - in spite of the worsening weather conditions.

First aid training was given by Stephen Smith at the council chambers in Pateley Bridge. Even though it was only a year ago that we were trained (and, again, three years before that) it is important that we are updated. As we seldom have to use our skills (thank goodness) the knowledge soon becomes hazy. The advice of 'use it or lose it' is certainly pertinent here and we do not want to be wishing we'd brought our first aid manual out on a task if a major problem occurs.

Stephen shows us a defibrillator machine. Apparently 
there are a number of these in the dale and we only need 
phone 112 or 999 to find out if there is one nearby.

 Everyone had a go at refreshing their CPR skills, 
singing either 'Nelly the Elephant' or 'I will survive' 
to ensure that we kept to the right rhythm.

Alistair and the CPR model got very friendly during the process.

After Stephen demonstrated how to use the defib machine...

...Jan and Ruth had a go. Unfortunately to no avail. 
This patient was definitely a goner. 
Mind you - what kind of life would he have had if he had survived? Bad enough without arms or legs and only the front part of your torso, but joined to someone else in the same situation is no fun!

Fencing at Toft Gate was far more physically demanding. The underlying bedrock was still there and causing difficulty. However, the day started clear and bright which kept the spirits up and the job went well, with rails starting to be added to those posts that had been inserted. A halt was called at 2:30pm when hail showers made working conditions difficult. Some photos of the task show just how dedicated the NCVs are. (Only afternoon shots are available.) Needless to say - more work lies ahead!!

 Teams spread out along the line of posts and busied 
themselves with spades, spikes, hammers and nails.

Will used a spirit level to ensure that the rail was horizontal.

Yes - nice and straight so far. 
(Although difficult to tell in the dark conditions!)

Josh felt as if he'd done a good job.

Osian, the mighty, took on the challenge of a 
post hole rather than opting for the easier 
task of fixing on the rail  

Oh dear - don't look that way!

The hailstones got bigger and stung our faces. 
At least those of us who had attended first aid training 
earlier would have been able to treat anyone 
with hail related lacerations or hypothermia.

Ros E.

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