Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Harewell Wood: 18-02-2025

This week the NCVs were working in a new location - on a task that was familiar. Harewell Wood is an ancient woodland that is part of a SSSI area below Guisecliff Wood. It is also right next door to where our very own Liz lives. We have worked in the fields on the other side of the fence to the wood in previous years (remember the Jabberwocky?), clearing overhanging vegetation to allow a new fence to be erected. However - this time we were right inside the wood, halo coppicing the holly from around the other trees. This will let light into the woodland floor and reduce the amount of competition the other trees have to cope with.

As you can see from the pictures - a very good job was jobbed!

Lots of holly was looming, but the
 NCVs just got stuck in.

It was a very chilly day so the bonfire
 was going to be extremely welcome.

What started small and smokey
soon started to blaze away.
Holly burns VERY well indeed.

The fire provided a nice warm atmosphere
for NCVs at lunchtime.
A bus stop queue style seating 
arrangement ensured everyone
could feel toasty.

Stevie the 'Tree Fella' leant a 
hand with his chain saw.

Liz's banana cake provided much 
needed fuel for Sherpa Helena,
as she toiled uphill dragging holly brash 
to fuel the fire.

By close of play the woodland floor 
was looking a good deal clearer.
Well done NCVs!

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