Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Harewell Wood: 18-02-2025

This week the NCVs were working in a new location - on a task that was familiar. Harewell Wood is an ancient woodland that is part of a SSSI area below Guisecliff Wood. It is also right next door to where our very own Liz lives. We have worked in the fields on the other side of the fence to the wood in previous years (remember the Jabberwocky?), clearing overhanging vegetation to allow a new fence to be erected. However - this time we were right inside the wood, halo coppicing the holly from around the other trees. This will let light into the woodland floor and reduce the amount of competition the other trees have to cope with.

As you can see from the pictures - a very good job was jobbed!

Lots of holly was looming, but the
 NCVs just got stuck in.

It was a very chilly day so the bonfire
 was going to be extremely welcome.

What started small and smokey
soon started to blaze away.
Holly burns VERY well indeed.

The fire provided a nice warm atmosphere
for NCVs at lunchtime.
A bus stop queue style seating 
arrangement ensured everyone
could feel toasty.

Stevie the 'Tree Fella' leant a 
hand with his chain saw.

Liz's banana cake provided much 
needed fuel for Sherpa Helena,
as she toiled uphill dragging holly brash 
to fuel the fire.

By close of play the woodland floor 
was looking a good deal clearer.
Well done NCVs!

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Hackfall Woods: 11-02-2025

Time for some more laying?

 Yes - more laying was on the cards for the NCVs this week. But those of you who read last week's exciting installment of the blog will know very well that the workers would not be lying down on the job. Or wearing yellow shoes. As if!!

No - it was back to the Hackfall Woods car park to finish off the job started last week, namely,  laying the boundary hedge. Oh yes - and dealing with the heap of brash that was created and left in a corner of the site.

So - let's take a fly on the wall (or hedge) look at what went on.....

Last week in episode one 
of 'Hackfall Hedging' you will 
remember that this heap...

...and this one, needed clearing.

This hazel coppice was also left unfinished, 
so Liz got things started with the chainsaw...
whilst the rest began on brash clearance.

Amy and Dave took over the hazel...

...until it was finally laid.

Then work could start creating 
a dead hedge with the brash 
to complete the run.

Once the roadside wall was clear
of brash, the gang could start on laying.

Down she goes!

Liz leant a hand here too.

At first, this end section near the
gate was looking most foreboding.

But, gradually, the NCVs got the upper hand.

Brash was dragged out and processed...

...stakes were sharpened...

...and brash was inserted into the laid stems
to thicken up the hedge.

Coffeetime was enjoyed on the benches....

...but lunch was partaken on the 
other side of the wall to avoid the
 wind chill factor.

Now Ken - what have you got there?
A circular lunch box?

A squeeze box?
If so - give us a tune.

Ahh! A seat! Nice one.

By close of play the car park 
was bounded on two sides...

...by a neat hedge of both living and dead material.

And the brash heap was but 
a distant memory.

The large logs were loaded up to be
stacked and seasoned for log burners.

Then, all that remained was to brush up the
spikey bits of brash from
 the surface of the parking area...

...which was not easy when you 
were using Paul's rake.
He needs to ask Farther Christmas 
for a new one!

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Hackfall Woods: 04-02-2025

 Time for some laying?

Yes - but not the kind that involves hens. This week saw the NCVs visit Hackfall Woods for the first time this year - in fact the first time since bonfire night, thanks to a couple of cancelled sessions due to snow and ice which made the steep paths dangerous, and storm Darragh which had brought down various trees and branches. The aftermath of the most recent storm Eowyn was anyone's guess!

However, thankfully the forecast wasn't too bad and the NCVs could venture forth. The focus of the day was not on path and culvert clearance but, rather, on hedge (not egg) laying. It was time to take the car park hedge firmly in hand. The pictures below shows just how firmly the hedge was dealt with......

The first job that was crucial was nothing to do with the hedge. Rather, it was sweeping up an extensive area of broken glass shards created by vandals over the weekend.

Will spent the best part of the day doing this - 
and collecting no fewer than four 
big bags of rubbish. 

We were very fortunate to have use of this
 classy toilet block - meant for the Hackfall 

Finally, leaving Will in charge of the rest of the clear up, the NCVs got started on the hedge itself. 
It wasn't a very old hedge - a mixture of
holly, hazel and hawthorn.

As you would expect, there was a good deal of preparation or 'fronting up' to be done, which generated lots of brash. 

Amy was new to hedge laying but
 soon got into the swing of deciding 
what would have to be removed.

Anything cut off had to be dragged
 out of the hedge. This was often a difficult task.

The brash soon built up in heaps all over one side of the car park.

Eventually some of this will be used
 to fill in any gaps within the laid hedge.

As the fronting up revealed the base of the stems, laying could start.

Helena - another NCV new to hedge laying - 
took to pleaching like a duck to water.

Her team had a particularly
awkward tree to deal with.
Ingenious high level pleaching
was required.

However - once neighbouring trees
 were laid, you wouldn't know anything 
different lurked beneath.

Some high level lopping was also needed.

Here the taller NCVs were at 
a clear advantage.

Osian and Helena watch in awe 
as David lays a fine stem. 

3 wise men and one wise woman made 
use of an available bench 
at coffeetime.

Canine NCV, Meg, only a young puppy,
was given a lesson in waiting patiently.

Then this arrived in the car park.....

Oh no!! The man had come to take the toilet away.

Quick everyone - we'll have to
 move the brash out of his way!!!

Toilet removal drama over, laying continued until the rain helped to make the decision that it was time to clear up.

This newly cleared toilet area...

... was used as a dumping ground 
for the brash.

Fairly soon the car park was usable again.

While all this clearing was going on Osian was busy ....

...making a pile of sharpened stakes.

No. Not to kill of vampires with - 
just to keep the hedge in order.

A good job was done, but a second visit is needed next week.