Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Low Laithe: 04-06-2024

With this ring, 

(I thee wed.)

you'll be dead!

The NCVs are used to planting trees, laying trees and cutting trees down when they are growing where they shouldn't. However - this week they were ringing them. No - not attempting to sound out a tune, but trying to hasten their demise by removing a ring of nutrient carrying tissue around the trunk. They used this process on the large, invading holly trees in the ancient woodland at Low Laithe. Doing this will create standing deadwood - in effect constructing a number of high rise flats for invertebrates (a great source of sustenance for woodpeckers and other woodland birds). Of course, there was a good deal of holly removal and the creation of dead hedges going on too. 


The rules were as follows:

  • If the stems are less than the size of a baked beans can, then cut them down.
  • If larger than this, then ring bark them.
  • Only remove 50% of the holly in the area you are working on to avoid 'shocking' the woodland. (Ring barking will avoid sudden loss of leaf cover.)

 So - let's see this process in action shall we? My glamorous assistant, Osian will demonstrate it most ably.


Step 1: Saw two rings around the trunk,
6" apart - but not too deeply.

Step 2: Now peel off the outer layer.
It is really smooth and moist inside.

Step 3: Finally - hack away at the ring
to damage the wood.
Thank you Osian.

While some were ring barking
others were dealing with areas 
of regenerating holly such as this.
You really can't see the wood 
for the trees in places!
That's it Brenda and Alistair-
- get down in there with your loppers. 

It was surprising what was discovered.
An old bedstead,
lots of plumbing pipes
and this rock art!!

Mick was seriously worried he was 
habitat piling himself into a corner.
Would he ever escape?

Amy played safe and created a 
dead hedge along the footpath. 
She was definitely going to
 get home for tea!

Andrew kept her and Anita 
supplied with hedging uprights.

Energy levels were boosted
by the arrival of three gooey 
chocolate cakes at coffee time.
Many thanks to landowner Alexa.
Dave had to be forced to take 
a second piece of cake. 
Well - it would have been rude
 to leave it, wouldn't it?! 
Oh dear - the consequent 
sugar rush led Dave to 
be in rather high spirits.
Last time you are having
extra cake Dave. 
Get on with the task!!
At lunch time the rain became 
rather insistent.
It didn't bother Liz. 

Paul cut a dash in his yellow jacket,
which kept him nicely dry.

Ros E. had left her coat up 
in the woods. However, this beautiful
designer pashmina came in
 handy to keep the rain off.

Oh goodness - more cake!!
This time it's from Tony's wife Alwin,
baker extraordinaire, to celebrate
his birthday. 
Thanks Alwin - and Happy Birthday Tony!!
 (Don't give any to Dave L!!)
By close of play a number 
of habitat piles had been created.
These will gradually decay to nothing.  
A good area of woodland floor 
was cleared,although there is 
still oodles of holly left.

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