Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Summerstones: 07-05-2024

Pateley Pigeon Post

 7th May 2024

  Practice makes perfect

by A. Hack

This week the NCS took part in a performance of Mozart's little known opera, "The Magic Tree Tube", something they have been rehearsing for the last three weeks. The event took place in the impressive setting of the Summerstones estate in the wilds of Upper Nidderdale, where the group had left a section of hillside untouched during their previous practice sessions so that the audience would gain a more realistic experience. 

As  opera buffs amongst our readers may be aware, the plot of "The Magic Tree Tube" follows the adventures of Prince Tamino and his companions in their quest to find a magical tree tube - one that can remain vertical whatever the windspeed and biodegrade as soon as it is no longer needed.

The performance went off without a hitch - as you can see from the pictures below. The NCVs gave their all and the audience were overcome with emotion. It was a never-to-be-forgotten experience that fully deserves a 5 star rating from this critic.


Here the Queen of the night (Liz) can be seen
 sending the group off through the forest 
of darkness on their quest.

She had provided them with tools imbued
 with magical powers to help keep them safe.
Off the brave adventurers strode 
singing the song that became the repetitive 
 underlying motif of the opera - 
"Magic Tree Tube, wherefore art thou?". 

The audience held its breath as Prince Tamino 
fell to his knees and sang the aria 
 "Oh tube, oh tube, are you the one we seek?"

Papageno, in true comedic style, 
wielded an enchanted lump hammer to restore
 non-magical tubes to their intended position
 singing 'Take that oh useless tube".
 How the audience laughed.
Pampino's mournful aria
 "A treeless tube is such a sad sight" 
had everyone weeping....

...as did the sight of Parmigiano 
struggling to right this poor tree, singing
"How I hate to see you laid so low."
 Petronello wrestled with a marauding tube 
that was intent on doing damage to the Prince. 
Her rendition of "Begone oh tube from hell"  
had the audience cheering. 
Parmigiano's lifelike struggle with a pile 
of reluctant tubes, whilst yodelling the aria 
"Yooooou will not get the better of meeeeee!", 
had the audience biting their nails.

The duet "That's you lot found to be less than magical" 
was sung beautifully by Pimpinella  and Pompodoro.
As the opera reached its climax,
 dozens of non-magical tubes had been captured,
 but not a single magical one had been found. 

There was thunderous applause from the audience 
as Prince Tamino, singing
"This fruitless quest it over"
finally came to the realisation that the 
magical tree tube would never be found. 
At last the group could return to their families.

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