Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Lime Tree Farm: 12-03-2024



The NCVs were working to a deadline this week - the hedge at Lime Tree farm, started last week, needed finishing off before birds begin to build nests in the remaining, upright trees. Over 50m still needed to be laid and, if you remember, it wasn't the easiest set of stems to deal with.

So - let's see how the gang got on shall we? Can the birds now nest in peace?

The weather first thing was cold and wet, 
so the team warmed up with some star 
jumps whilst awaiting the arrival
 of the tools.
Then it was over to see what was what.
Still plenty left to do and the team 
was only half strength compared 
to last week. 

Everyone started pruning, 
sawing and chopping.

The red peril attacked trees
with his axe...

and carted off the brash 
like a pro.

Ruth, too, wielded her axe
with gusto.

Mick dragged brash out
from its tangled positions...

...as did TRP.
Anita did her best to keep the 
work area clear with
 the rake and wheelbarrow.

David valiently took it upon himself to
clear the biggest bramble 
bush you ever did see.
This is just one tiny part of it.

Liz's chain saw was put to good use
throughout the day.

The mantra for the day was
"Well, we'll give it a go and if it 
comes off it can't be helped"
This one clearly came off!

The real treat of the day was having coffee 
and lunch inside the now cleared iron age hut. 
There were comfy benches covered in
 soft sheep fleeces to sit on in the warm
(and biscuits to eat, thanks to landowner Irene!!)
Less of a treat was the quagmire that 
had to be traversed between the hedge 
and the brash piles. Ros E's wellies 
got stuck up to her ankles and she had 
to haul both feet out with her hands.

By 2:30 much had been achieved.

There are now 2 new brash piles.
(No brash could be burnt
 due to the wet conditions.)

Unfortunately there is still 
about 20m of hedge to lay.
Just one more week before the 
birdies can take up residence!!

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