Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Training Day: 07-11-2023


 Training anyone?

 After a week off for half term, the NCVs were invited to sign up for a double dose of training this week. One half of the day to be spent completing a 2 hour Red Cross first aid refresher course and the other doing some outdoor learning on how to survey bridges along rights of way for the council's footpath officer. It is important that these surveys are carried out to make sure that our ROW bridges are maintained and safe to use.

First off it was the first aid session, which turned out to be both useful and enjoyable. You can download a handy British Cross first aid app to your smart phone so that you have it with you at all times. You can use it to test yourself too. The QR code below will take you to it:

In the absence of any photos from the attendees, readers will have to make do with an artist's impression from the absentee editor of what probably went on in the room.....

Anyone in need of a bit of bandaging?

Of course, no first aid training would 
be complete without a bit of CPR.

Then, lunch over, it was time to put on outdoor gear and head off to a local footpath at Thornthwaite. The bridges surveyed need cleaning, their condition noting and then photographing from the north, south, east and west.

Now, this one looks in good condition.
Make sure you check the ends.
Yes. It definitely has two!
Did anyone bring a brush or a spade? 

Not all bridges are made of stone of course. 
Are all the struts here sound or are
 any showing signs of rotting? 

One particular highlight of the day was the attendance of Adrian P. who has now returned to the fold after a long illness. 


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