Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Azerley: 28-06-2022

The good news this week - NO BRACKEN.
The bad news - Balsam instead.

Yes - it is the time of the year when an NCV's 'just godda to do what an NCV's godda do'. There is no choice of task. It's invasive species eradication time. They just keep popping up out of the ground.

At least with balsam pulling you can see a difference in the area at the end of the day. Of course - whether there will be a difference in the amount of balsam next year is another matter. Seeds just keep coming into the area down the streams and on walkers' boots. Ground hog day comes to mind.

So - let's look at the pictures and see for ourselves what went on....

Now - is Kevin indicating the direction we needed to walk in 
or the average height of the balsam plants?

He explained that he was going to use his newly acquired
unicycle balsam eradicator to speed up the job.

'This shouldn't take long' thought these NCVs.
Not much here'.

How wrong can 3 NCVs be?

The majority was growing in vast swathes.
And, to add insult to injury, it was growing amongst
 the world's tallest stinging nettles.

Piles of dead balsam appeared all over the area...

Now - what is it that this trio found amusing at coffee time?

Possibly this pair of pooches?
"I'll jump if you jump..."
"Oohh no. It's a long way down."

Unlike the ladies, these three gents preferred
 to remain standing (or at least sitting
 on a more robust platform.)

The NCVs took a linear approach and 
gradually beat the balsam wall back.

Occasionally dead willow branches had to be taken 
away to allow access to difficult to reach areas.

The land owner laid on quite a treat for lunch .
A variety of the most delicious pork pies, the likes of which
 had never been seen before.
(It was suggested that any vegetarians may
 find the ones topped with mushy peas acceptable.)

There was even a goody for afters (if you still had any room left).

What a lucky lot we are!
Pass on our thanks to the landowner Kevin.

Ruth had the honour of pulling the last stems in the work area.

Friedy leapt for joy when 'home time' was called.
(Please note - there are still acres of balsam remaining.)

In recent weeks Liz has had an eclectic selection of items
in the back of her car. This week was no exception.
I mean - who knows when a chandelier 
may come in handy on a journey?

Anita immediately bagged two of its crystal 
pendants to use as earrings. And very regal 
she looked.....

... well at least for a few seconds!
Time to go home methinks!!

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