Tuesday, 18 May 2021

It's Hackfall Again!!

How time flies by! It doesn't seem any time at all that the NCVs were back at Hackfall for the first time since restrictions were eased and now - they were returning for their monthly visit. As always - there were a number of jobs on the list. The gang split up into small work parties and beetled off to work some magic.

All the ladies worked together this week. They came across an obstacle even before they got down to the work area.....

A fallen birch tree was blocking the gateway!

"Right girls - bow saws and loppers to the fore!"

Well - that's most of it removed. A chain saw is needed for the last section.
Where's Liz when you need her?

After some footpath pruning the team arrived 
at the place where they had been aiming for.
The view across from Lime House Hill to Mowbray Castle
 was completely obscured by holly.
Oh heck - it was the kind of hollyday that doesn't require a bucket and spade!

The trusty loppers and saws were deployed with gusto.
The workers could have done with full body armour.

Gradually the area was cleared.

And then there was just this one last holly to remove....

...before the vista opened up and the castle was revealed.

As the sun came out Anita built up an head of 
steam with all her hard work. The waterproof trousers 
needed to be removed. However - it ended up
 taking three others to assist. (Ros K had the same problem. 
You both need to get trousers with side zips ladies!)

The gents split up into two teams. One dealt with a blocked drain and the other experimented with the use of naturally sourced materials to sort out some very muddy areas of pathway.

Team drain:

At first drain rods were improvised using nearby holly. 
They were quite effective but...

...in the end Paul walked back home to fetch some proper ones. 

The job wasn't made any easier by the appearance 
of a very wet and muddy dog that seemed to want to join in.

In spite of the distraction the team completed
 some significant grip clearance and then created a two stage 
water feature to manage the water course below.

They then went on to shore up this section of pathway
 that was fast disappearing down the hillside.

Team muddy path:

Problem 1.
That's one very muddy, wet path!

A possible solution.
Well - it may not be wheelchair friendly but at least it's 
drier than the path underneath!

Problem 2.
Visitors have tried to sort things out but it could be better.

That's tidier - the railway track method.

Problem 3.
Again - visitors have taken steps to avoid getting their
 shoes dirty but it really needs the MacAlpines approach.

"So - what you do is clear out the stuff that's there 
and put in some kerb stones....

...then fill in between with some stone slabs.
Sorted! M6 standard."

At lunchtime three wise men discussed the critical 
characteristics of the best local pork pies. Apparently 
Audsley's caramelised onion pork pie, fresh from the oven,
 is the one to go for. (Other pork pies are available.)

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