Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Cow Myers: 12-11-2019


Well - here we were again, as happy as can be.
The NCVs were removing encroaching scrub and generally splashing and squelching around at the Cow Myers SSSI site this week. Lots of saplings to cut down and brash to turn into habitat piles - you know the routine. Let's have a look at how they got on.....

So many trees needed clearing!

OK - then let's get started.

That's one down. Only a thousand left to do!

Mind you - the more trees you cut down the more brash you generate.

Well that's OK. We'll just drag it away and put it to good use.

Ruth grew a very long tail as the morning wore on.

Very soon proto brash piles started popping up here and there, 
adding to those made on previous occasion.

So, quick as a flash, Andy snatched up a billhook 
and got busy making brash pile stakes.

These were used to keep the brash in nice shape.
Pack it in from each end ladies. Keep it nice and tight.

This pile was a MONSTER!!

Now then Osian - have you decided that 
two legs are just one too many?

This veteran coppiced hazel provided much welcomed shelter 
from the heavy rain at coffee time. Some sat around the front.

 Others sat around the back....

 ...and one youngster - well - he simply lounged at the side.

The hazel's branches offered places 
to hang up bags out of the mud, wet gloves to dry....

 ...and even cup holders.

After coffee this little chap was rescued from peril...

...this log pile gradually doubled in size.

 ...and by 2pm the NCVs had cleared enough saplings 
to be able to say 'enough's enough' without feeling guilty.
(Just scroll back to the top to remind yourself of the 'before' situation.)

The piles left in the place of the saplings will provide excellent 
habitats for all kinds of creatures and fungi 
and now the trees are out of the way 
the wild flowers will flourish in the extra light.

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