Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Hackfall Wood: 03-07-2018

Please note that, owing to the editor being away on holiday in the furthest flung part of the outer Hebrides, with a very intermittent internet connection, this week's blog entry is but a shadow of its usual self. Having only been able to access two photographs from any sent, a brief summary of what was thought to be happening was devised. If there are any errors in the following information then an apology will be made next week.

The NCVs were back to balsam pulling this week. This time at Hackfall Wood, where the invasive weed keeps doing its best to penetrate the area from the Masham end. So, in retaliation, the NCVs do their best to fight it back to the perimeter wall, in an attempt to stop it gaining a hold.

The photos below show a couple of interesting finds - regular readers will be able to visualise the actual work that took place, having seen it all before.

En route to the battle ground the NCVs 
had to walk past a rather large wasps' nest.

Some bracket fungi were seen along the way.
Their orientation shows that they had obviously 
started growing after the tree had fallen.

A luscious green fern managing to survive in the dry conditions..
(Identification from the picture has been attempted but without a sample from the plant it is difficult to decide which it is. It appears single pinnate and the only one of these that seems likely is hard fern (sterile fronds). However - this could be entirely wrong!!!)

That's it for now - normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!!

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