Tuesday 5 December 2017

Tool training and other things: 05-11-2017

Apparently the 5th December is International Volunteer Day, the theme for 2017 shown in the design above. This day is mandated by the UN General Assembly, so an appropriate date for the NCVs to be out working, even though they were not necessarily doing the kinds of work that the UN volunteers do. 

The NCVs had three different things going on for them to choose from....
  • At the barn nine had opted to take part in a tool training day led by the knowledgeable Jasper Pratchek. As expected, we learnt a great deal and managed to do a lot of tool improvements throughout the day, as can be seen in the pictures below.....
First, Jasper went around the workshop picking up one 
type of tool after another, talking about how and when 
to use them and how to maintain them.

Then it was nose (or bill hook) to the grindstone.

Tom wins the prize for the most pairs of loppers dismantled, 
sharpened and re-assembled.

Ros E. concentrates hard to insert bolt A into hole B 
whilst losing all important washer C somewhere on the floor.

Sally worked wonders on a spade that looked ready for the bin.

Nick wishes that he had one of those.

Angle grinderers of the AONB unite - 
and wear spark proof trousers.

And in action......

Also available via this link if you can't 
get the video to work directly from the blog page.
  • Out on Peat Lane four NCVs were helping footpath officer Peter Lambert construct a gate and fencing using some impressive carpentry skills. Apparently the hurricane force winds experienced at the top of the hill don't show up in the photos below.
 At the start of the day it all looked a bit unfenced.
 Gradually posts were inserted...

...and rails nailed on.
Eventually an excellent fence was produced.
  • And, finally, up at Longside farm, 11 willing souls joined James to help prepare the next section of hedge for laying, early in the new year. Many tree spirals were said to have been removed and a large collection of brash generated as the lower layer of the hedge was pruned. Mind you, as the photo sent in from that team only shows them sitting eating I am not sure about the validity of this report!
Longside team hard at work eating their lunch.

Oh no - one other shows at least 
someone was at work. But who?


  1. From the photos it appears that I was with the footpath team on a purely supervisory basis. However, I can assure blogees (or whatever blog readers are called) that I hammered in at least one nail before succumbing to hypothermia. Will.

  2. Glad to hear that you did something useful Will.
    Hope that you have now warmed up. You certainly looked a little on the chilly side!
