Tuesday 5 September 2017

Summer Walk- Hebden: 05-09-2017

The schools were back in session this week but the NCVs were having a holiday. It was the day of our summer walk, carefully planned by walk maestro Graham. And a good time was had by all, in spite of the very wet weather. (James claimed that he was going to dance his clogs off the night before, doing another sun dance, but either he forgot or he needs a refresher training session.) One newer member of the group, when informed that the NCVs enjoy their summer and winter walks, asked 'so which one is this?' He'll obviously fit in well.

Graham made a last minute appeal to the sun god before setting off.
(Also to no avail.)

It was a circular walk beginning and ending at Hebden, near Grassington. The photos below give you a flavour of the outing....
At least everyone was kitted out for the drippy day.

Melissa was looking quite clean for a change.

Gradually the group spread out along the path so 
Graham had to stop and wait for the slow coaches to catch up.

Shall we visit the lead smelter's chimney up there?
Go on then - why not?

Luxury morning coffee accommodation - 
with added archaeological interest.

.Drink up everyone. A nice hot cuppa to warm the cockles of your heart.

Hilary's plum and ginger bake went down a treat.
Cheers Hilary!!

Jan was so full of vigour he did some 
stream hopping (in his summer hat).

 Now - I wonder what's caught the interest of this particular group?

Onward and upward.

A temporary clearing in the mist.
Ah - so that's what the view looks like!

Hebden hoves into view. Nearly there!

A particular highlight of the day came at the end of the walk - lunchtime. The venue was an old favourite, the Toft Gate Cafe, where an excellent repast of soup, sandwiches and chips was laid on by Caroline and her staff (thanks everyone). Lunch was kindly funded by the AONB office (many thanks for that).

Everyone made short work of their grub.

It was Melissa's last day out with the NCVs before heading 
up to Glasgow to do a Masters in Biotechnology
Good luck Melissa  - we'll miss your ready smile and muddy photos!

Thank you, Graham, for organising the walk. We won't hold you responsible for the weather!

News of a past student....

Regular readers may well remember one of our Heritage Skills students, Ed, who came out with us during the academic year 2014-15. He was a hard working, cheerful lad who went on to work for the local company DTMS. I've since heard, on good authority, that he is doing extremely well and has even bought himself his own tractor. As the photo below shows, he's making sure that he keeps it very clean at the Pateley car wash - and he's still smiling!!


Anyone wanting to see how they fared in their fungus identification homework set last week can find out by visiting last week's blog, where the names of the fungi have now been inserted. Thanks to Will and his fungal expert friend Adrian for the information.

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