This week was the last meet-up of 2017 and NCV Osian has sent in the following report and photos of what the group got up to.....
About 8 NCVs and a 4 strong student team enjoyed some bright Nidderdale sunshine to lay about 20 metres of hedge this Tuesday.
The briefing.
The job ahead.
The spectators.
The progress.
The avian inspection and seal of approval.
The student learns the skill.
The unique Nidderdale post
height measuring stick.
The railers.
The lunch (thanks to Hilary for the chocolate biscuits!)
A highlight was James' and Jan' s epic effort to lay the monster trunk, creating a double lay by sawing a branch until it could be buried to grow as a trunk and relaying the above soil portion of the branch. Ingenious idea. I think I might have seen a puffed out chest of satisfaction after that was completed.
The start of some epic hedge laying.
The realisation that a chainsaw is needed.
The epic continues.
The outcome.
Other mortal hedgelayers steadily sawed and pleached away at the rest of the hedge. With the sound of an invite from the farmer to "return next Tuesday" we left the newly laid 20 m of hedge as this year's closing conservation effort.
The end - for 2017 anyway!
That's it
for 2017 folks. See you back here in January 2018. In the meantime...
Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers!