Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Fishpond Woods once more: 26-01-2016

NCV turn out this week could have been affected by the bad weather forecast. Two emailed and confessed that they had decided to "wimp out" after they saw what was coming. However, in spite of waking to wind and rain, 10 NCVs and a Heritage Skills team of three turned up for duty. 

(Note to NCVs: Any hint of wimpishness is frowned upon by the management and a strong comment would normally be added to end of term reports. However, in these two particular cases the comment will be tempered by their honesty, which must be applauded. Excuses such as 'having a doctor's appointment' or 'unable to find my wellies' are always viewed with suspicion during inclement weather.)

There were two tasks to choose from today:
  • Further work on creating 2 drainage channels - one in the path by the lake and one up at the ice house.
Brave troops head off to the front.

Work begins on the first channel by the lake.

Tony attempting to make Nick's hands an 
integral part of the drainage system.

Drainage workers enjoying a coffee break, admiring their handy-work, 
while a wheel barrow slowly sinks into the mire.

Next - the ice house area. Here the drain workers are once again 
admiring their handy-work (under the watchful eye of the 
drainage technical consultant Nick).

Ice house entrance with newly installed under-path drainage.

  • Another onslaught on the rhododendron. Yes - there are still plenty of those left! 
(Here you will notice that the quality of the photographs plummets. I think that this could have something to do with the wind factor and the camera being covered in a good deal of mud and rain. Apologies!) 
Terry was put in charge of building the all important bonfire. He was 
given a new packet of fire lighters, a dry box of matches, some dry 
card and even some nice, dry kindling from the barn. We were all hopeful.

Things did not go well.

Dave got involved (as did all of us from time to time) - all to no avail. 
The weather conditions were against us and the fire failed to do 
more than tease us occasionally with a little burst of life.

Everyone got busy sawing and lopping and dragging. Can you guess who is who?

 Lunch was eaten under the relative cover of the rhodies...

...which provided seating and aerial flask support facilities.

By 1:15pm we had created a number of piles of brash that are now ready 
to put on the fire, once conditions allow. At that point everyone decided 
that enough was enough. Rain running down the back of your 
neck is not pleasant!!

Not so much an ice queen - more a waterlogged NCV.

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