Sunday, 21 June 2015

Bracken Bashing in Old Spring Wood: 16-06-2015

The start of the bracken bashing season was marked by twelve keen NCVs, one heritage skills student and his tutor preparing for a session of arm swinging action on a warm sunny day. After a quick briefing the team bravely set off into deepest Old Spring Wood near Summerbridge. 

Having lost two volunteers to the early temptation of some bracken just off the footpath the rest of the NCVs snaked on in search of the bracken Holy Grail. Armed with hazel batons and slashers the volunteers asked where the bracken was, a testimony to previous years successful bashing. But, as sure as day follows night, copious amounts of young bracken shoots appeared for the team to get stuck into.

The bracken area was finally reached - a major task lay ahead.

The morning’s bashing was productive with three areas targeted by the NCVs. Fortunately most of the bluebells that had been flowering just two weeks earlier were well in retreat and will survive to flourish another year.

After a relaxing lunch in the shade of the woodland trees the team was re-energised to tackle seemingly larger areas of bracken. Hidden in the bracken were significant amounts of ferns testing the identification skills of the bashers.

The team stop bashing and start eating

Both Jan and Andi give their feet an airing during the lunch break

By around 2.30pm the bracken bashers had tackled a large area and headed home in the knowledge that round two of bracken bashing at Old Spring Wood beckons in July.


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