Monday morning at Guisecliff
This mornings' task was to ensure that the rocks that feature as the main attractions for the Nidderdale AONB's Rock Art walk, planned for the 12th July, are able to be seen by the visiting public. The bracken that grows in abundance in that area of Guisecliff Wood needed to be beaten back to reveal the interesting cup and ring patterns that were carved into the rocks so long ago. Luckily the weather was warm and dry for the 5 NCVs who joined Paul to thrash the encroaching vegetation back.
as the historical graffiti is revealed.
Tuesday at Bryan's Wood
On what promised to be one of the hottest days of the year so far 10 NCVs met at Bryan's Wood for yet more bracken bashing. It was good to welcome Tony K. back to the ranks. We were also joined by Chloe - a 6th former on placement with the AONB. She had decided that today she would find out all about bracken bashing. Well - this was certainly a good day to do that. As expected, the area that we have been bashing on an annual basis for a number of years now was, yet again, thick with bracken. When will it get the message?
We all set to with sticks and slashers, smiting the strong, tall shoots (and the growing population of midges that decided to feast on our blood). We all got very warm indeed and enjoyed our coffee and lunch breaks.
By 2pm we didn't have another bash in us and left any remaining bracken for another time. Who knows - we may return next year to find that it has completely disappeared. Chance would be a fine thing!
FootnoteOn what promised to be one of the hottest days of the year so far 10 NCVs met at Bryan's Wood for yet more bracken bashing. It was good to welcome Tony K. back to the ranks. We were also joined by Chloe - a 6th former on placement with the AONB. She had decided that today she would find out all about bracken bashing. Well - this was certainly a good day to do that. As expected, the area that we have been bashing on an annual basis for a number of years now was, yet again, thick with bracken. When will it get the message?
the sunlit glade, as strong as ever.
On Monday afternoon the Heritage Skills students invited Paul and Ros E. to attend the opening ceremony of the school garden they have created from a piece of wasteland in the school grounds, where an old outdoor classroom building used to stand. They have worked hard and created a really lovely area for younger students to enjoy in the future. It is good to see that some of the skills they picked up whilst out on a Tuesday with the NCVs have been put to good use.
Ros E.