Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Fishpond Wood footpath continued: 05-05-2015

In spite of the adverse weather conditions, no fewer than 11 NCVs and students turned up for another instalment of fun in Fishpond Wood. Our aim was to continue upgrading the footpath from the car park to the ice house. 

Our first job was to shift the enormous pile of edging boards that had been delivered to the far end and lay them along the length of the path. This was easier said than done as each one was very heavy - especially given that they had all been soaked with rain over the last few days.

Everyone waits eagerly to pick up a plank.

Instead of wheelbarrow relay, this week 'plank relay' was the order of the day.
Will and Osian decide to carry two at a time.

Tom passes his plank on to Anita and Andi in the pours of rain.

This job took all morning - even with the help of Colin who had the bright idea of fetching his trailer to help move the wood at least part of the way. 

Not quite so far to carry them now Dave!

The planks had their uses at two very important points in the proceedings:

- it provided a mobile bench for coffee in one place 
and lunch in another to keep us off the muddy ground.
(Thanks for the flapjack Audrey!)

Carl models this season's new style in rain wear - the bin liner.
(Available in all high-street supermarkets.)

 Once the wood was in position there were three jobs to be done. 

a) The rest of the huge pile of gravel needed barrowing into place. Thanks to Paul organising a dumper truck the number of loads that had to be shifted by wheelbarrow was very much reduced. Hurray! 
1 dumper truck load was equivalent to 15 barrows full. The job really started to move on.

The gravel shovellers, happy in their work,
once the sun showed its face.

Paul enjoys playing with the dumper.

An action shot - Colin directs operations from the front end.

b) In certain spots along the path the top layer of slimy mud had to be scraped off with shovels. 

c) A start had to be made in fixing the wooden edging planks into place. By the time we stopped for the day 9 of these were firmly fixed.

Up at the ice house Karl knocks in the pegs with the mell...

 ...and Ros and Julia attach the boards to the pegs.

Further down by the lake Dave and Colin do much the same thing.

Plenty still to do so read next week to find out how we progress.

A question for you to ponder....

What is likely to be the cause of this foam?

Ros E.

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