Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Scrub clearance at Timble Ings: 10-02-2015

Yet another cold and bright day dawned this morning - perfect for the day's task. We met at Anchor Farm at Timble Ings and walked a mile into the Yorkshire Water woodland in order to reach the dragon fly ponds where we regularly visit to clear out any encroaching saplings. There was a good turn out - 19 NCVs joining Paul and the Heritage skills crew.

Paul started the day with a clear set of instructions. 
Or was it a game of Simon Says?

Underfoot was boggy, so wellies were the order of the day. Those without needed to circumnavigate here and there to avoid getting wet. The workers split into smaller gangs: one to clear around the three ponds; one to thin out the saplings along the stream-side and a third to cut down scrub growing on the nearby bog.

 The saplings around ponds a and b were hard to spot in the reeds.

This one was hoping it had disguised itself well 
enough to be overlooked. We can see you!!

The saplings around pond c were much more obvious.

This team of NCVs felt they'd done such a good job 
that they could celebrate by stopping for lunch.

Those on bog clearance were also working hard at it....

.....as were those along the stream-side.

Ros K decided to have a lie down on the job.

Plenty of material was generated for brash piles, some of which were easier to construct than others, depending on the size of the saplings.

This brash pile ended up quite tightly packed....

...and this excellent one looked like a hedgehog, 
complete with a snowball for an eye.

Two more new hat bobbles appeared today to join Anita's mouse bobble. Thanks to Anita for making them for us. Thanks also to Audrey for a welcome tin of flapjack.

Ros  K's bobble is a ladybird but her sewing skills 
led to it hanging down too much at the back.

Ros E's busy bee bobble is so heavy it regularly 
makes the hat slide down and obscure her vision.

All around were lovely examples 
of mosses and lichens.

Ros E.

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