Tuesday, 14 October 2014

De-rhododendronisation of Fishpond Wood lake continues...... 14-10-2014

No fewer than 13 NCVs turned out this week (in spite of the poor weather forecast) to join forces with the usual team of Heritage Skills students and their tutors. Due to the task for this week being much the same as it has been for the last few weeks it has been decided to give the NCVs a week off from having to volunteer their services as blog writers. Instead we will just provide a photo blog as a record of the day. Just before you look at the pics you may like to read a short poem penned by our very own bard, Tony K., about the use of the term 'de-rhododendronisation' that was coined last week......

A word that should never be used
A polysyllabic vexation
That makes every ear feel abused.

Will Shakespeare would hate this invention
And so would Longfellow and Blake.
In fact any scribe you could mention
Would think it an awful mistake.

Tony K.

One team made a start on one side of the lake - the rhodies started to fall
and Ruth got that sinking feeling.

Ros K. gracefully sank into the mire too.

Laura decided to do some fungi identification whilst she was about it.

Terry and Graham made good use of the moveable bridge to reach 
a forest of saplings that were growing where they shouldn't have been.

 The saplings were passed along a chain gang to yet another brash pile.

Terry had to be helped out of his mud filled wellies 
after the first of his two bog inundation experiences.
He should have taken his Auntie Ros's advice and put on his waders before starting work.

Angela was too enthusiastic with her saw and cut off one of Joanne's legs.
Or was it just another rhodie?

On the upper path, the Heritage Skills students worked hard to 
shift the unwanted vegetation.....

.... and Julia thought that she'd finished 
until she turned and saw what lay ahead.

The concerted efforts are working a treat. The end of the lake 
is not far off ready for the diggers to come in.

To be continued.......

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