Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Bryan’s Wood 4-9-2012

A special day – Ros E’s first NCV day after retiring, so she brought cake (homemade of course) for us all. A good turn out of volunteers but it’s not certain whether this was because of the cake or the sunshine, but both were very welcome. Bryan’s Wood is also one of our favourite work places, privately owned semi ancient woodland which is also a SINC, and rich in wildlife. As proof of this a tawny owl was seen at close quarters by some of the lucky volunteers, and a green woodpecker was heard yaffling three times.

Twelve of us turned out and after a Health and Safety talk from Paul carried our tools, hard hats and other equipment into the wood. There were three main tasks – control of sycamores by either ring barking or felling, checking the boundary of the coppiced area to identify much needed repairs, and checking the N E boundary where more fencing work is needed. A section of the coppice fencing promptly fell down so priority in the afternoon went to re-erecting the fallen section and strengthening it with some of the felled sycamore to prevent roe deer from getting at the hazel.

 A good day, some very useful work, and the expectation of returning there next week to carry out more fencing work.

……… and of course, thanks to Ros for the cake.


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