Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Ellington Banks: 28-03-2023

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Back to the banks!!

This week the NCVs put in an extra day back at Ellington Banks to try to rid the area of as much encroaching scrub as possible before the nesting season really gets underway. If you remember, there were two 'rain stopped play' days to catch up on, so it was all hands to the pump - and the loppers. The pictures below give you a flavour of the day.


MOD ecologist, Karen, gave the usual safety briefing.
 Today she added that 350 soldiers would be training 
in the area - but not to worry as they would
 only be firing blanks!! 
Sure enough - a long line of them walked past once
 we reached the work area; in full combat gear
 and looking very serious.  They were glimpsed 
through the trees at various points in the day - 
trying hard to imagine themselves in enemy territory. 
This must have been difficult when the NCVs 
started singing 'Happy Birthday' to Anita...
...who reached the grand old age of 21 this week.
Happy Birthday Anita!!
The ginger cake she brought was delicious ...

...and here is the recipe.

As for the task - here is the area before we started.

                                                    Before ........................After
Some of the brash was added to
 a couple of old brash piles...

and some was added to an old dead hedge.

The rest was burnt on the bonfire which Graham 
quickly ignited with a wave of his magic wand.

At first the smaller stuff was the focus....
...to reveal the numerous ponds.

Then the bigger stuff had to go.....
...which gave Liz a chance to try out 
her new electric chain saw.

.As the big stems got removed so yet
 more ponds were revealed.
Newts and frogspawn could be seen in some. 

Work continued around the ponds...

...although Ken took time out for a crafty lean or two.

Phil was glad of his extending loppers when 
it came to clearing this island. They 
saved him getting his feet wet!

Talking about getting wet (it was an 
extremely wet day by coffee time) -
.this tarpaulin shelter was well intentioned....
....but ended up depositing water onto anyone
 sitting below a hole, or near
 the edge when the wind got up. 

By 2pm the area was looking much clearer.
If only it would stop growing!!

The fire was allowed to burn down and fire tender 
Andy went home smelling like a piece
 of smoked haddock.


Last Thursday Brenda and Liz joined the National Trusts's Skell Valley volunteers to finish planting trees at Marton House. Although it wasn't a huge team they managed to get 800 trees into the ground - an impressive rate of planting everyone!! 

One Skell volunteer looked rather familiar, 
in spite of the wrong coloured uniform!

Days from a bygone age number 12

Did you see through this NCV's hairy disguise? It was, of course, Will, a long established NCV.


...and now. (NB The hat does not hide the curls!)

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Marton House, Hew Green: 16-03-2023 and 21-03-2023

International Day of Forests 2023 - Two Sides

Ok. So - if you have been paying attention recently you will know that a small group of NCVs did an extra shift a while ago to get tree planting started at Marton House, Hew Green. Well, last Thursday they did the same thing - as you can see below. This was highly appropriate preparation for this Tuesday, 21st March, which is the International Day of Forests!!

Many stakes were knocked in to show
 where the trees needed to be.

Then this small, but perfectly formed, 
team got busy with some tree planting.
The trio sheltered behind a convenient wall for a break...
...and Ken made use of the swing to 
hang around doing nothing.

 Then, on Tuesday.... 

civil war clip art - Clip Art Library

The cavalry arrived!!

Hurray!! The rest of the gang joined them to swell the ranks and get those roots into the ground before it is too late. Well - it was International Day of Forests so what else did you expect? 

Did they complete the job? Read on to find out....

The empty tree stakes put in last Thursday 
stretched out infront of the workers.
Undaunted the NCVs got stuck in.

Bottoms Up!!

Brenda ponders which way up this tube should go.

Once the existing tranche of stakes were
 planted more needed knocking in.
That's it Liz - give it a good welly.

Paul favoured the slim-line post knocker and gazed 
into the distance, dreaming of the day when he would be 
surrounded by mature trees on this very spot.

This man was on a mission - clutching a bunch of 
saplings he went in search of a free tree stake.

Everyone was glad when it was time for a break.

Some of the tubes were short and fat.
Let's hope the deer don't nibble the saplings!!
By the end of the afternoon about 600 trees had been planted.
Only another 700 - 1000 to go!!!
Luckily the National Trust's Skell Valley Project 
Volunteers are going to lend a hand on 
Thursday to plant another batch.

Days from a bygone age number 12

Here's another chappie with a beard to hid behind and a lovely head of curls. Any ideas? Check next week's blog to see if you were right.


Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Sunflowers Nursery, Pateley Bridge: 14-03-2023

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Yes - the NCVs were back at the nursery school this Tuesday. Not to learn the basics of education but, instead, continue with the task of laying the hedge at the Sunflowers nursery in Pateley Bridge. Last week they made a good start but there was a loooonnnggg way to go and an ENORMOUS pile of brash that had to be left unchipped once the chipper went on strike. So - how much more did they get done this week? Was the chipper coaxed back into action with the latest offer on the table? Were the NCVs overwhelmed by an ever increasing brash pile of their own making? Read on to find out.....


The group split into 2 teams to continue 
the laying of the 2 different sections of hedge.
Master layer Phil (left) taught Andy H. (right)
and Rachael how to hedge lay. 
Thanks Phil!

Strange positions had to be adopted 
from time to time.
This - the Zig Zag.
And now - the Horizontal Runner look.
This NCV preferred to lay whilst squeezed under the fence.
Well - whatever it takes!

Dave L. sat in an imaginary chair to ensure 
they were maintaining a straight line.

The sun was shining at coffeetime....

...although it was very cold.
Cake was provided by the school - thanks for that.
Spirits were high.
Anita and Julia made some woven 
structures, such as this tunnel...
... and this wigwam for the children to play in.
Great weaving ladies!
Then - the white stuff arrived!
Hedge laying continued however. 

The thickness of the hedge was increased by the cunning 
storage of the brash at the back. It will gradually rot away
but provide good nesting accommodation in the meantime.
(This was necessitated by the chipper packing up completely.)

Question - why is Andy wearing a safety helmet 
and visor when using only loppers?
Answer - to give him protection from further facial 
laceration having already been grabbed
 on the nose by a thorn.

As can be seen from the picture above - 
the hedge was finished (all bar the shouting). 
Fantastic work teams!! There were we 
thinking it may have to be done over two seasons!!

Message from Liz - you know you have been hedge 
laying when you find a thorn in your pants and 
have to rub your hands all over with savlon!!
Other antisceptic creams are available.)

Days of a Bygone Age number 11

OK Time to see if you were tricked by the beard. This was, of course, none other than expert stake maker and writer of folk tales, Paul.



...and now.