week - the last task day in October; the last task day before the hour
changes and the long winter evenings begin - it was fitting that the NCVs
attempted to finish off the job that they started last week at St
Saviour's church, Thornthaite. After all - it wouldn't do to start the
next phase of the year leaving a job half done would it?
you remember - there was a whole pile of brash to deal with and a lot
more in the way of unwanted vegetation to cut down and get rid of. However - this week the NCVs brought with them their new toy - a shiny orange wood chipper. This has been standing in the barn for a while, waiting for Liz to learn how to use it. Now she has, things will become a whole lot quicker - as you will see below....
The new wood chipper in all its glory.
Remember all the brash that was left over last week?
Well this provided a constant stream
of brash to feed into its hungry maw.
Of course, processing of the brash by hand to some extent was needed. You couldn't insert
any thick branches. So these had to be
made into a habitat pile.
The rest of the rhodie by the church doorway was tackled...
...and the resulting vegetation was collected up....
...before being turned into excellent mulch.
It was a symphony in action.
Well - mostly in action. There was some
sitting down - and partaking of cake...
...kindly brought along at coffee time by Andy,
who is currently excused from duties
with a poorly hand. Thanks Andy!!
Hang on - what's going on here?
That's not brash processing!
No - that was soon completed thanks to the chipper.
Now they had to prepare part of the churchyard
for a wild flower meadow.
The 'Three Horse Race' in the 'Thornthwaite sweepstakes'.
The commentator was stymied as all the
jockeys were wearing the same racing colours.
Their steeds were looking somewhat thin.
A final sowing of the wildflower seed
completed the job nicely.
Oh - no - not quite. This tomb
needs a quick de-mossification.
Brenda? Rachel? Over to you!
Days from a bygone age no. 3.... NCV revealed
Remember last week's challenge? Did you guess the NCV correctly? It was, of course our very own Friedy!
and now